Cloud Cloud

Frequently Asked Questions

A collection of farty facts and other information:

Do men fart more than women?

Nope! Men and women fart the same number of times as each other, but men are sometimes more public about it than women. Both men and women fart about 10 to 20 times a day, but this can vary depending on diet and other factors. Also, men are on average bigger than women, and so tend to produce greater quantities of gas with each fart.

Do I fart too much?

Both men and women fart about 10 to 20 times a day, but this varies a great deal depending on your diet, certain medications you may be taking, or if you’re constipated as well as some other factors. Regularly farting much more than about 20 times a day is considered abnormal, but can usually be easily remedied by changes to lifestyle (such as stopping smoking - smokers tend to swallow more air than non-smokers) or diet (avoiding foods that are high in fibre or that you know tend to lead to excessive farting). If you consider that your farting is excessive, especially if accompanied by other factors such as stomach pain or bloating, recurring diarrhoea or blood in your poop, then it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

What are farts made of?

Farts contain a number of odorless (non-smelly) gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide. They also contain small amounts of hydrogen sulphide, which is why they smell so bad. The hydrogen sulphide is a by-product of the work of microbes in your body that help you to digest food. It’s also the same chemical that gives rotten eggs their awful smell. Some foods, such as beans, bran and cabbage are more difficult for the little microbes to break down and so they have to work harder. This often causes more farting than usual, as well as especially smelly farts.

Why is poop brown?

Poop is normally brown, and the color is caused by what you eat and how much bile is required to digest it. Bile is a fluid produced by the liver and used by the body to digest fats. It begins as a yellowish- green color but as it travels through your system it gradually turns brown due to chemical changes. It’s normal to produce poop of different shades of brown depending on what you’ve recently eaten, but if your poop is a different colour, such as green or yellow, then it may be a good idea to seek professional medical advice.

Is holding a fart in bad for you?

You will fart many, many times in your life, but sometimes it’s just not the right time or place. One thing is certain - it’s going to come out sooner or later. Holding one in for a little while won’t do any harm, but if it becomes painful to do so it’s time to let it out, whether it’s a little windy pop or a loud and proud duck call. It’s often better to anticipate this and find somewhere you can let it go privately beforehand. More advice is available on farting etiquette here.
Cloud Cloud
“I fart therefore I am” René Descartes

Frequently Asked Questions about Farting

A collection of farty facts and other information:
Nope! Men and women fart the same number of times as each other, but men are sometimes more public about it than women. Both men and women fart about 10 to 20 times a day, but this can vary depending on diet and other factors. Also, men are on average bigger than women, and so tend to produce greater quantities of gas with each fart.

Do men fart more than women?

Do I fart too much?

Both men and women fart about 10 to 20 times a day, but this varies a great deal depending on your diet, certain medications you may be taking, or if you’re constipated as well as some other factors. Regularly farting much more than about 20 times a day is considered abnormal, but can usually be easily remedied by changes to lifestyle (such as stopping smoking - smokers tend to swallow more air than non-smokers) or diet (avoiding foods that are high in fibre or that you know tend to lead to excessive farting). If you consider that your farting is excessive, especially if accompanied by other factors such as stomach pain or bloating, recurring diarrhoea or blood in your poop, then it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

What are farts made of?

Farts contain a number of odorless (non-smelly) gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide. They also contain small amounts of hydrogen sulphide, which is why they smell so bad. The hydrogen sulphide is a by-product of the work of microbes in your body that help you to digest food. It’s also the same chemical that gives rotten eggs their awful smell. Some foods, such as beans, bran and cabbage are more difficult for the little microbes to break down and so they have to work harder. This often causes more farting than usual, as well as especially smelly farts.

Why is poop brown?

Poop is normally brown, and the color is caused by what you eat and how much bile is required to digest it. Bile is a fluid produced by the liver and used by the body to digest fats. It begins as a yellowish-green color but as it travels through your system it gradually turns brown due to chemical changes. It’s normal to produce poop of different shades of brown depending on what you’ve recently eaten, but if your poop is a different colour, such as green or yellow, then it may be a good idea to seek professional medical advice.

Is holding a fart in bad for you?

You will fart many, many times in your life, but sometimes it’s just not the right time or place. One thing is certain - it’s going to come out sooner or later. Holding one in for a little while won’t do any harm, but if it becomes painful to do so it’s time to let it out, whether it’s a little windy pop or a loud and proud duck call. It’s often better to anticipate this and find somewhere you can let it go privately beforehand. More advice is available on farting etiquette here.
“I fart therefore I am” René Descartes